Celebrating the Easter Season
Easter is a wonderful time to get together with the family and also for the children in your life to have fun. For many this is a very deep and spiritual time as they celebrate Christian events such as Jesus rising. Many say that we shouldn’t just focus on the one Easter Sunday but look at Easter as a whole and make sure to share our love throughout it.
How to Celebrate
For the very young in the family you could give them hollow eggs (not too small) with loving notes inside to share with other family members to celebrate the gift of sharing and affection.
For those above toddler age an Easter egg hunt often goes down a treat and little gifts and prizes can be shared out and given to those who collect the most. Do try and make the gifts/treats small and modest though so as not to create tension.
Pre-teens you may want to look at things from a different angle, they’re likely not to be that interested in Easter egg hunts at that age. Why not see if they can give back to the community in exchange for a treat? Maybe they can help out at a local community centre, clean up a play area or see if any local elderly/infirm neighbours or relatives need any help.
For the teenagers an afternoon or early evening away with a mentor may be a great way to speak out and spend time getting to know one another. Often when in a quieter and calmed environment some team building can really be helpful for them. Coming back to the celebration later on will give them a good balance of how to create time for themselves too as well as making some new friends.
And for the adults it’s a case of getting out there and doing something especially when it comes to family. This is a great time to gather, reflect and also see those in the family you may have not seen for a while. Even if some travel is involved it is always worth it in the end.
Eggs and Bunnies
For some Easter is purely about seeing those eggs, bunnies and other delicious foods like hot cross buns in the supermarket. But do we really know why they are in the shops? Why do we buy them?
This again comes down to Christianity, the eggs are significant of an empty tomb, where Jesus rose and emerged. Notice how the eggs we see packaged up are all hollow? Well this is why! As for the bunnies, many people know of the story of the Easter Bunny who brings sweets and chocolate. Well this is to represent Christ bringing new life for us all to enjoy.
So for those who may want to celebrate but also educate their children and family on why we do what we do then games can be played but also with the original meaning behind them. Or families can simply have a great time and enjoy the love shared at their gathering.
Easter Traditions
- There are many traditions when it comes to Easter and here’s some more in case you may want some more ideas when celebrating!
- Painting hard boiled eggs
- Making and having an Easter bonnet contest
- Telling Easter stories
- Making food – Easter cake nests (mini eggs in cornflake cakes), simnel cake, hot cross buns
- Making Easter cards
- Egg rolling or egg and spoon races
As you can see there’s lots to do over Easter and whatever you and your family plan we all hope you have a wonderful time from us all here at Sundial Psychics!