How to Listen to Your Heart

Being told to listen to your heart is an often given and meaningful piece of advice to give or be given. But what does it mean? This article will give you some guidance on what it means and how to do it. However, it’s wise to know the basics of this advice. What does it really mean when people are telling you to follow where your heart leads? After all, the heart is just an organ isn’t it? It can’t think and isn’t responsible for your actions right? That may not be true so read on!

What Does it Mean?

Ancient philosophers used to think that the heart was the seat of emotions, thought, passion and reason. So back in those times if someone was told to listen to their heart it meant that they should listen to how they feel, their instinct even instead of going by sheer logic alone. Some think to listen to the heart is to act in a primitive or overly sensitive manner but this isn’t true.

It’s always a good thing to know and especially to teach others, including children, that logic and strict question and answer isn’t how the world works. There’s always going to be grey areas, times where you can’t just sit on one side of the fence or the other. This is where you need to listen to your heart, to stop and think about your emotions, your needs and desires. It may seem an unusual path to take or it may feel like you’re not being rational but when we use our instinct we often make great pathways and have wonderful ideas.

Why Intuition Matters

The mind is a wonderful thing, it can create life, art, poetry, and it can love others and do all manner of good. However with this comes emotions, things that can hold you back, fear, hesitation, drama, complications and more. This can lead to your mind being blocked and the true feelings and ideas you are having become masked and hidden away. Therefore it’s very easy to take the logical and rational route to feel safe and like you’re making a sensible decision. But this might not be the right one to take, there are better options in your mind waiting to be unleashed.

The more you stop and think, the more you see past these blockages and start believing in your own mind and own decisions the easier it will become. It’s like working a muscle, the more you flex it the stronger it becomes, the same is true of intuition and this is why it matters to use it. You will gain wisdom far greater than only making logical decisions. You’ll learn more and understand how your heart can guide you.

How to Listen to Your Heart

Whilst it would be nice, messages from the heart do not get delivered gift wrapped with a bow to your door or get announced by a fan fare. More likely it’s going to feel like you’ve had a really good idea, one that you can’t stop thinking about, like it’s rooted within you. It often comes to you very quickly so at times it will be dismissed just as fast but you’ll learn to hang onto it. Another way your heart and intuition can come to you is when you have a deep seated feeling that something is the right thing to do. You may feel warm, an urgent need to contact someone, your stomach may tie in a knot and other feelings may occur.

Here’s some simple tips to help you:

  1. Learn how to quieten down your logical mind

There’s a few ways of doing this, you can use visualisation techniques, you can repeat an affirmation in your head or out loud or even a simple chant.

  1. Meditate

This is an obvious but important step, the best way to do this is routinely. For 10 to 15 minutes each day find a quiet place and sit in a comfortable position. Focus on your breathing and feel the air enter and leave your body, feel out for the sense of calm that will come to you. Enjoy this inner peace and serenity, the quietness that you have created, that is within you. If a thought comes to mind then contemplate it, see where it takes you, if a scenario starts then let it unfold, see where it can take you. All of this will heighten your intuition.

  1. Trust Your Intuition

This state of knowing something is right without exactly knowing why is how intuition is often explained. Also known as a “gut feeling” it’s important to know that these aren’t guesses or hunches, they come from you, from your heart for a reason. Consider how different a situation may turn out if you used straight logic instead. It probably wouldn’t have gone the way you wanted it to.

  1. Be Creative

Delving into creative mediums can really help to open your mind and leave logic behind. Creativity is little to do with intellect and rationality so it can really come from the heart and assist in your intuitive powers.

  1. Ask Questions

Not to other people as such but out to the universe, you’ll be surprised how often you may be answered. It might not be instant but you’ll get the answer one way or another, maybe even keep a diary of your questions and look at it at the end of each day, seeing if you can think back to ways they may have been answered. You’ll find that the more you do this, the more the correct answer will come to you in a flash, and it’s just a case of ignoring the logical part of you that dismisses or doubts your initial answer.

All of our readers have strong natural intuition that they develop every day, this is why we’re proud to have them here at Sundial Psychics so if you’re needing guidance just get in touch.

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