The Phases of the Moon
Every now and then you’ll see posts online, or people talking to one another about a new moon or a full moon even super moons! You may have heard that it’s linked to months, emotions and even menstrual cycles. It can all get confusing but this article should clear a few things up for you.
The moon has a cycle and we call this a month, however there isn’t just one kind of month, in fact there are three! The Sidereal Month is the period of time it takes the moon to complete a full revolution through the stars or through all signs of the zodiac. This takes 27.3 days and this also coincides with the average length of human ovulation.
The Calendar Month has no real relation to the moon at all, it was created by Julius Caesar and as you know, they vary from 28 to 31 days. The Synodic Month is the period of time between new moons, this is every 29 days and is what astrologers use and call the Lunar Month.
Beliefs Linked to the Moon
Over time and many cultures the moon has often been associated with Goddesses. It was believed that during the full moon where it’s barely visible, she was taken down to the underworld, when the moon crescent started to appear she had come back.
When the moon is growing it’s associated with growth and fertility, yet when diminishing the Goddess is seen to be bringing decay and darkness, a time where we are reminded of our own mortality, she then becomes the crone and faces death.
The Oracle of the Moon
The moon can’t be used to predict the future or see what lies ahead for people, it can however be called upon to bring thought and guidance into our lives and also help us gain perspective on things. The oracle is in eight sections, each with their own meaning, you can link the appropriate phase to what you may be seeking.
Meditate or think before you go to sleep or look directly at the moon if you can, ask her what you desire or need help with. Visualise those words and think on what they mean, write down a key phrase referring to them on a piece of paper, put it under your pillow and sleep for the night.
Oracle Sections and Their Meanings
NEW MOON – Be creative and passionate, live in the present, and cast aside the old, a snake shedding skin, reincarnation and rebirth
CRESCENT MOON – Face complex challenges, aim for higher goals, cast aside doubt, do not give up, do not focus on fear or failure – focus on the lessons they teach you
1ST QUARTER MOON – Balance (the moon is a half moon, the Goddess shows half her face), enjoy life whilst you can, be mindful of others around you, seek true love
GIBBOUS MOON – Shed petals to ripen, cast aside what isn’t needed, evaluate your position, and prepare for a feast and celebration as so much has been achieved
FULL MOON – Wake up to your own consciousness, avoid falsehoods and only seek the truth, the time of illumination, accept love into your life
DISSEMINATING MOON – Learn from mistakes, focus on personal experience, inner wisdom will nourish the soul, think before you act
LAST QUARTER MOON – Balance again, never assume, consider all pathways, when confused make sure to look within
BALSAMIC MOON – Gather strength for the future, share knowledge with others, accept and embrace change, close doors and pathways if you must but always leave your heart open.