What is Mediumship?
A medium is someone who can connect to the thought vibrations of those who have passed over to the spirit world and are sending us messages here on the Earth plain. Mediumship is a very precious gift and one that many of our readers possess and can help you with.
Mediums provide us with evidence of survival. They teach us to understand and prove that there is a higher phase of life after someone has passed over from this life. They show us that our loved ones are never really fully gone and are peaceful and settled and can tell us how they are feeling.
What can a medium do for me?
Many people go to mediums only wanting to hear from a specific person, I have experienced this myself but have been given messages from other people in the persons past. This can seem a disappointment at first but usually these other people in spirit are passing on messages for the loved one my client is asking about.
A medium can also rescue those that may not realise what has happened to them. In cases where a passing was sudden and unexpected the person in spirit may not realise where they are. The medium can guide them to the spirit world and usually reconnects them with other loved ones that are waiting for them.
Does a mediumship reading help?
A lot of people who I have given mediumship to express a sense of gratitude and sometimes relief that their loved one is safe in spirit and in some cases reconnects them with those who passed before them.
For many people who have lost people recently or suddenly it can also help with the grieving process. To be able to know that their loved one isn’t scared or lost, that they remember them and are watching over them is a wonderful thing and can really empower those who seek this kind of reading.
How do I know they’re speaking to the right person?
As part of your mediumship reading your medium will be able to give you evidence of the person they have connected with. This may be by way of what they have to say, a certain phrase, the way they look, sound, an item they may be holding. It is usually something personal and specific to them.
Sometimes the connection can be weak or strained and exact information cannot be reached from the start. In these cases your medium will try and gain information from your loved one and see if they can make the connection stronger in order to get a message to you.
What should I do after my reading?
Although a reading can really help you in knowing that your loved one is well and on the spirit plain you may wonder how to keep that connection going. When our readers do a mediumship reading for you they will be able to let you know how to see the signs your loved one may be trying to give you.
For some people these signs may have been already being given, it was simply a case that they hadn’t noticed. I remember reading for one lady whose husband had passed after 40 years of marriage. She was happy to hear he was well and reunited with a child they had lost in infancy as well, however she was worried that he couldn’t speak to her. I explained that he was passing messages to her in the form of a blackbird, her face lit up as she explained a small blackbird has started to visit the garden around the same time each day around a month after he passed.
So if you have been wondering how to spot the signs then give one of our mediums a call, they will be delighted to pass on messages and give you evidence of survival.