Why Do We Make Resolutions?

Everyone has a mental list of habits they would like to change, and the New Year seems like a perfect time to start. “New Year, new you” is a phrase you will see everywhere towards the end of the year. But just because it sounds right does not mean that it contains any meaningful truth. The year will always change, but you will likely be the same person on the 1st January 2015, that you were on the 31st December 2014.

Unfortunately for many people, the results turn into a very predictable pattern. On the 1st of January, we start off determined to follow through on our goals. Excited and energized, we think that this year will be different from the last, when our resolutions went by the wayside. But by the time February arrives, the majority of us will have abandoned our goals altogether.

Why Do We Keep Making Resolutions When We Know They Fail?

One reason is the idea of starting from scratch. For lots of people, the beginning of the year offers a fresh start and a clean slate. The appeal of this new start – new you makes us feel like we can become a different and better person.

We try our best but when it all gets too hard we just go back to the way we were, which doesn’t mean we have failed, it just means we’re not ready to make those very often large changes in our lives.

The Babylonians Started It

It turns out that making resolutions at the New Year isn’t a construct of modern society. 4,000 years ago, Babylonians celebrated their new year with an 11-day festival in March, ancient Egyptians celebrated the dawn of their new calendar when the Nile River’s would flood each year.

The starting point of making New Year’s resolutions rests with the Babylonians, who apparently made promises to the gods in hopes they’d earn good luck and prosper in the coming year. They often made resolutions regarding money and avoiding getting into any debt.

How Can We Do It Right?


Whatever you do tackle, make sure to monitor your progress. If you want to lose weight then check on it every week, if you want to spend less then look at your income and expenditure every month. Sometimes just the act of recording what you eat or spend means you can eat or spend less even if you don’t consciously change anything else.

However there’s an even better way, why not ditch the usual resolutions altogether? Forget about weight, money, eating vegetables, going to the gym and all those typically mundane things we don’t even like to do. Why not focus on changing other areas? Why not try to be a better person or happier with yourself? Here’s some different resolutions you can try:

  • Donate all the clothes you don’t wear to charity
  • Learn to dance
  • Try to speak to someone new every day
  • Don’t weigh yourself for a month
  • Ring people instead of texting them
  • Read a book every day/week/month
  • Address people by their first name
  • Don’t check Facebook for a week
  • Learn to play an instrument
  • Compliment yourself every day

You’re more than a body – losing weight and getting into shape is important but it’s not what defines who you are. Value people, places, experiences and yourself by resolving to act on things like the above list and you’ll gain much more out of it.

Then once you’re feeling a lot happier and confident in life the rest usually falls into place on its own. So do yourself a favour, out with the old and in with the new and that means the old, tired and useless resolutions!

The Madness of Materialism

Materialism is often seen as a dirty word, however, no matter who you are it’s always pleasant to some extent to have nice things in your life. The true definition of materialism is when someone starts to value things over people or positive experiences.

Why do we Want to Buy Things?

You’ll see many people mention the benefits of “retail therapy” and many tend to associate purchasing items with being happy. However studies have shown that just seeing a nice item sparks the positive brainwaves we have when buying it, so there’s no real therapeutic benefit in parting with your money.

Some theories as to why we do this are based on Darwin’s theory of evolution. As natural resources are limited then it makes sense for us to stock up on things and secure our lives. Another theory believes that a constant desire to want more keeps us more alert, meaning we have higher chances of survival.

Does Buying Things Really Make us Happy?

When it comes down to it this retail therapy and acquiring of goods doesn’t really do much for us in terms of happiness. As mentioned above, just looking at a pair of stunning designer heels will give you the same pleasure as buying and owning them.

Several studies have shown that we actually become unhappy when we start to put too much value on the items we have in life. These studies have been carried out on all kinds of people to the very poor to the very wealthy. Time and again it showed that those who put less value on items were usually a lot happier than those who put more value on items and those who constantly compare and compete to have the best things.

Feelings Are Better Than Items

It’s shown that experiences we have which produce strong memories or feelings are actually a lot better for us than objects. For example, earlier this year I really wanted an iPad (I had no major need for it, I just wanted one) so I saved up and bought one. I really liked it and used it quite a bit but that trailed off and if I look at it now I don’t feel anything, it’s just an iPad.

Compare this to the day out I had with my family around the same time. We went to a large safari park in our new car (my boyfriend had just passed his test). It was amazing and when I think back on it and look at photos from that time it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside! The experience (which didn’t cost much at all) far outweighs the non-feelings I get from the iPad.

The Difference Between Need and Want

Now all of the above doesn’t mean you have to go and sell all your possessions and live a life devoid of objects that may make life easier or bring pleasure now and then. However it can be wise to often wonder if you want something opposed to needing it. With my iPad purchase, did I need it? Not really, however there were some practical applications that have helped me with work and recreation and it does get used. However I have bought things in the past, shoes and dresses mainly that sit and gather dust very soon after I have bought them. I certainly didn’t need them and often find myself donating them to charity.

Once we realise the difference between the two then thought processes can begin to change. You want a £1200 laptop just because yours is a little slow? Why not book a family holiday and redecorate your child’s room together? That will create so many happy memories that an object cannot create for you.

How to Look Beyond Objects

Focus on life, think about memories, they will be based on feelings, people and places, not items. Acknowledge people for the contributions they have made and may still make in your life, there’s no value that can be put onto them and the way they make you feel.

Do wonderful things for others and the planet, make your actions ones that make other people happy, give them memories and feelings that money can’t buy and you’ll start to realise that objects can be useful but they ultimately won’t make you happier.

How to Follow Your Intuition

What Is Intuition?

People tend to have different explanations and reasons as to what intuition actually is and why it happens. Many say that it’s based on hunches, quick guesses and works when being very open to ideas and possibilities. Others will say it’s a sixth sense or special kind of insight gifted to you in life. All tend to agree that it’s not based on a conscious or logical thought process.

Examples of intuition are things like:

  • Knowing a house isn’t for you when viewing to rent/buy the moment you walk in
  • Meeting someone and instantly knowing you have a lot in common and will get on well
  • Feeling uneasy about someone, knowing that they will let you down or hurt you

How to Use Intuition to Your Advantage

So now that you know what intuition is, how can you benefit from it? It’s best to trust yourself, when you get that gut feeling or sense that something is better done differently, or that you need to share information with someone or walk home a different way then listen to yourself! You are your own best judge and this sixth sense is there to protect you.

Of course, this doesn’t mean you need to follow just any reckless thought that may come into your head but it is always best to ask yourself why did you just think something or why are you getting that feeling from someone. There will be clues that tie it all in together and the rest will fall into place as long as you listen to yourself.

Gain More Insight

Some people will say that they rarely hear this intuition, that they don’t have that voice in the back of their head advising them on what to do next, some also say they’d like to have it more often. Meditation is a wonderful way of opening your subconscious mind and thereafter creating more opportunity for it to communicate with you via intuition.

Whilst meditating you can use a mantra or affirmation or even visualise an item, person or situation that you can bring to mind in everyday life to take you into a brief meditative state on the go. This can then lead to your intuition kicking in and you getting some valuable insight and information on the moment at hand.

Dreams and the Messages They Send

It is also said that messages sent in dreams come from the subconscious mind and as such they can also be from intuition trying to tell you something. This is often less clear as dreams can sometimes be scrambled by the sleepy mind and not make much sense to us!

Many of our readers can explain your dreams to you and explain their hidden meanings, the more you understand them, the more you can act on what they mean for you and how they can help you in your waking moments. Remember, there’s always a message out there for you and very often it’s already in your own mind!

Are There Really Parallel Universes?

Before I get too deep, I’m going to give you the definition of a parallel universe:

“A hypothetical, self-contained separate reality coexisting with one’s own. A group of parallel universes is known as a multi-verse”.

Note the word “hypothetical”, if you look at the definition of a parallel universe being that of a world or worlds existing alongside ours as you may have seen in films or explained by others then you are in the realms of fiction according to a dictionary or encyclopaedia. However many do believe in these universes.

What Signs Point to their Existence?

So now comes the question of how, why, what explanation can there be that leads people to believe that there can be a world other than our own. This doesn’t mean another planet with life in our galaxy but another world that is running alongside ours. Many use the following as explanations.

  • Déjà vu and Alter Vu. Déjà vu is a strong sensation that you have experienced something before, that a situation is currently repeating itself. However Alter Vu is when a conflicting memory occurs, you may know the name of a school or shop to be one thing but it seems that it’s now called something else. Something in another universe caused a shift or change and the person is said to be experiences both memories.
  • Dreams. Whilst it’s scientific reasoning is understood and how many dreams can be explained either logically or spiritually, no one has ever said why we dream. What function or purpose do they serve? Many believe they can be windows into another universe.
  • Unexplained stories. A lady called Lerina Garcia woke up one day in a world that didn’t seem to belong to her in some ways. She noticed small changes but things that didn’t bother her too much until she got to work when she realised that although she worked there, she now worked in another department and reported to a supervisor she didn’t even know.
    Also in the 50’s a man entered Japan with a passport saying he was from Taured, this country does not exist yet his passport had official stamps and visas in it. He also had documents from Taured that appeared to be genuine. The man was detained overnight but had vanished by the next morning.
  • Ghosts. Many people believe ghosts to be images of those who have either passed over or who may be in limbo. However some think that they may be images of people happily alive and well, just in another universe and it has shown through to us!

So What Does it Mean for Us?

You may be wondering if all this is real, then why does it matter? What changes? There are many positives for those who believe in a parallel world/s. For example:

No Regrets – No more wondering if you’d chosen a different career, married a different person or had a different number of kids. Chances are the alternate versions of you have already done all that anyway!

Decisions are easier – Each version of you will experience all different outcomes in parallel worlds so it doesn’t matter which pathway you take as long as you are happy with it.

Living in the here and now – No more living in the past wondering what may have been, you’ve probably already achieved it in another world already.

So as you can see, if you don’t believe then that’s fine and if you do then it may bring some extra peace and comfort to you!

Do Animals Have Spiritual Experiences?

For many of us who have or have had animals we may at times have seen them act in unusual ways. Ever seen your cat or dog stare at the ceiling or other object and just stop as if contemplating something or listening to something? Many people, especially spiritual ones believe that animals do indeed experience spiritual things. This may be from seeing someone who has passed over to going through a near death experience.


Recently it has been agreed by scientists and neurologists that it’s actually very likely that animals do indeed have spiritual experiences. This may surprise you seeing as most of science will play down spirituality but it doesn’t just cover the paranormal or unexplained.

There are moments called mystical experiences which even a scientist cannot deny. These are situations based on wonder and amazement such as seeing a breath-taking sunset or seeing a child born, they affect the brain and we share those areas of the brain with many animals so there’s no reason why they don’t experience this themselves.

It’s been reported that chimpanzees have been found dancing into a complete frenzy or even trance like state at newly created waterfalls caused by heavy downpours. This can be linked to religious or spiritual people entering trance based on what they’re experiencing, surely it’s the same thing?

What About Pets?

So we’ve looked at primates but what about evidence for our usual pets – the cats, dogs and horses etc? Well a prominent neurologist explains that they also share these structures in the brain and there’s no reason why they wouldn’t have the same or at least very similar experiences.

Scientists will explain that there’s medical reasons for what people experience in near death experiences such as outer body or travelling through a tunnel. Whilst this may explain some things it doesn’t mean that the person experiencing it doesn’t feel a certain way or see more that cannot be explained. These physiological changes can also happen to animals during a NDE but what they make of it is of course, unknown to us!

Paranormal Pets

Some people believe that animals follow the same pathways as humans, so if you believe in reincarnation then your cat may have been all manner of other animals in the past, including a human! Maybe this is why we give our pets certain kinds of attention whilst others may prefer time on their own.

People talk about their pets having personalities so why wouldn’t they be spiritual individuals? Some mention that they have been visited from pets in the past or are sure their pet is connected with a loved one who they may be missed who has passed over.

Either way I believe that all animals are very special, not just the human ones and that they experience more than we sometimes give them credit for! What about you? Have you ever experienced your pet or an animal behaving in an unusual way? We’d love to hear from you!

What Are Chakras? A Guide

As someone who is very spiritual and likes to keep myself grounded I learned a long time ago about Chakras. People talk about them quite a lot and may mention aligning them or creating balance and it being the body’s energy system. But what does it all mean? Well the word Chakra is from the ancient Sanskrit word for “spinning wheel” or “vortex” and they are the root of the human aura.

Chakra balancing can be very beneficial to those who feel lost or unsettled in life and are in need of a reset. Western holistic therapies now often use Chakra therapies widely and also tie in the colour scheme associated with it. This balancing can also be done on your own, so no need to employ someone.

Where Are They and What Do They Do?

Chakras are several different points on the body that make up the human energy system, these are physical, emotional and psychic energies. Each one relates to something else on our person or in our lives. There’s some variation on the belief of how many we have and where they are but they all follow a similar line.

CROWN – At the top of the head, this relates to the central nervous system, the brain and the right eye

BROW/THIRD EYE – On the middle of the forehead this relates to the pituitary gland, nose, ears and left eye

THROAT – This relates to the thyroid gland, throat and mouth

HEART – This relates to the heart, lungs, arms, hands, circulation

SOLAR PLEXUS – At the bottom of the ribs, this relates to the stomach, liver, pancreas, gallbladder, nerves and muscles

SACRAL – In the pelvic area, this relates to the spleen, womb, genitals and bladder

ROOT – At the base of the spine, this relates to the kidneys, colon, spine, bones and legs

How Are They Used?

Many healers use Chakras to perform crystal healing therapy or colour therapy. The healer will place crystals on the body to assist the Chakra or even to help it become unblocked. Remember though that even though the above chart shows physical parts of the body, they aren’t meant to be taken literally.

For example, if you have recently had an argument with someone and bitterly regret something you said and can’t get things back on track then your throat Chakra may be out of alignment as this relates to something you said (using the mouth). If you have split with a partner and can’t forget them then you may need to focus on the heart (love) Chakra and also the Crown (brain/memory) Chakra to help you to move on from the past.

Self-meditation can also be amazing for clearing up your Chakras, I and many others use a visualisation technique, you can make up your own but I personally image my Chakras as shiny spinning vortexes. When I feel drained and run down I imagine that they are dull or even rusty, I start from the Crown Chakra and imagine the rust and dirt leaving it, it getting brighter as is spins and move down until the Root and all between are gleaming and in alignment.

Qualities and Colours of the Chakras  

CROWN – VIOLET – Unity, inspiration, spiritual self-will, idealism, perfection

BROW – INDIGO – Intuition, imagination, vision, clairvoyance, wisdom, concentration

THROAT – SKY BLUE – Communication, speech, creative writing, expression, truth, loyalty

HEART – GREEN – Love, compassion, peace, understanding, balance, harmony, soul

SOLAR PLEXUS – YELLOW – Will-power, confidence, self-esteem, humour, sensitivity

SACRAL – ORANGE – Procreation, sexual desire, joy, tolerance, change, adapting

ROOT – RED – Survival instinct, courage, grounding, vitality, passion, ability to create

This and the chart above are very simple and some believe there are more Chakras and they all do a lot more than is listed here but it’s a good guide to get you started!

The Phases of the Moon

Every now and then you’ll see posts online, or people talking to one another about a new moon or a full moon even super moons! You may have heard that it’s linked to months, emotions and even menstrual cycles. It can all get confusing but this article should clear a few things up for you.

The moon has a cycle and we call this a month, however there isn’t just one kind of month, in fact there are three! The Sidereal Month is the period of time it takes the moon to complete a full revolution through the stars or through all signs of the zodiac. This takes 27.3 days and this also coincides with the average length of human ovulation.

The Calendar Month has no real relation to the moon at all, it was created by Julius Caesar and as you know, they vary from 28 to 31 days. The Synodic Month is the period of time between new moons, this is every 29 days and is what astrologers use and call the Lunar Month.

Beliefs Linked to the Moon

Over time and many cultures the moon has often been associated with Goddesses. It was believed that during the full moon where it’s barely visible, she was taken down to the underworld, when the moon crescent started to appear she had come back.

When the moon is growing it’s associated with growth and fertility, yet when diminishing the Goddess is seen to be bringing decay and darkness, a time where we are reminded of our own mortality, she then becomes the crone and faces death.

The Oracle of the Moon

The moon can’t be used to predict the future or see what lies ahead for people, it can however be called upon to bring thought and guidance into our lives and also help us gain perspective on things. The oracle is in eight sections, each with their own meaning, you can link the appropriate phase to what you may be seeking.

Meditate or think before you go to sleep or look directly at the moon if you can, ask her what you desire or need help with. Visualise those words and think on what they mean, write down a key phrase referring to them on a piece of paper, put it under your pillow and sleep for the night.

Oracle Sections and Their Meanings

NEW MOON – Be creative and passionate, live in the present, and cast aside the old, a snake shedding skin, reincarnation and rebirth

CRESCENT MOON – Face complex challenges, aim for higher goals, cast aside doubt, do not give up, do not focus on fear or failure – focus on the lessons they teach you

1ST QUARTER MOON – Balance (the moon is a half moon, the Goddess shows half her face), enjoy life whilst you can, be mindful of others around you, seek true love

GIBBOUS MOON – Shed petals to ripen, cast aside what isn’t needed, evaluate your position, and prepare for a feast and celebration as so much has been achieved

FULL MOON – Wake up to your own consciousness, avoid falsehoods and only seek the truth, the time of illumination, accept love into your life

DISSEMINATING MOON – Learn from mistakes, focus on personal experience, inner wisdom will nourish the soul, think before you act

LAST QUARTER MOON – Balance again, never assume, consider all pathways, when confused make sure to look within

BALSAMIC MOON – Gather strength for the future, share knowledge with others, accept and embrace change, close doors and pathways if you must but always leave your heart open.

When should you contact a Love Psychic?

Love psychics or relationship psychics deal with all aspects of relationships, this could be people seeking the right person to those who have been together for decades. Somewhere throughout your life there’s a large chance that you’re going to need some guidance and that’s where our expert relationship psychics can help you. But when is a good time? Here’s a handy guide for you.

Looking for Love

It may seem like all your friends have someone and you’re being left behind, or you’ve been looking for a long time and the right person just doesn’t seem to be connecting with you. It’s at this point that seeking help from a psychic can really assist you. He/she may not be able to give you a time and date and the name of the person but what they can do is guide you onto a pathway that brings love into your life.

This may mean looking at the situation differently, focusing on yourself, looking at other ways you can meet new people and more. You’ll be surprised at the suggestions that can be considered and how realistic they are and how you can easily fit them into your life.

Seeking a Stronger Commitment

Commitment means different things to different people, for some it may mean spending more time with your partner than your friends. For others it means marrying and living with one another. If you’re seeking something more than you already have then this can have a big effect on your life.

By contacting a psychic you can see what steps you can take and in what order, what may be best to do now and what may be best to do at another stage. Moving in with someone or relocating to be nearer to your partner is a big move and if it doesn’t work out it can mean your life being turned on its head so guidance is often needed.

Not Getting Along with One Another

Relationships are built on harmony and understanding, so if you’re arguing a lot or feel resentful of your partner and the effort they’re putting in then it’s going to start to cause problems.

To avoid cracks getting bigger in the bond you have it’s best to seek some advice and getting it from a psychic who is impartial and able to look at the overall picture is a great way to consider your options on how to get things back on track. Whether this is seeing an overreaction or forgiving a big mistake, it’s all helpful in the end.

Trust Issues

As a psychic who has performed countless relationship readings in the past decade I can say that trust seems to be one of the biggest issues my clients come to me about. Even those in seemingly steady relationships can have one small incident where it knocks everything off centre and getting the balance back can be hard.

By speaking to one of our psychics you can come to terms with why the trust may be broken and how it can be regained. There can also be times where you need to know when to call it a day, if you can’t trust someone then how can you be with them for the rest of your life?

Coping with Divorce and Separation

Sadly not all relationships go well and they can break down, leading to divorce or separation with many emotional things in the mix like children, property ownership and financial issues needing to be dealt with before you can move on.

Whilst there are the strains of all the practical matters there will also be a lot of emotional issues lingering, even if you were the one to instigate the split. There can be guilt, overwhelming concern, and fear of doing the wrong thing. A psychic can help you come to terms with the loss of a relationship and help you to move on.

These are only some of the reasons to contact a psychic about love and relationships, you may have other concerns but remember we’re here to help and guide you onto a better and brighter pathway to find love and love yourself in the process.

Many Happy Returns Prince George!

This week marked the 1st birthday of the baby boy third in line for the throne – Prince George. It’s been said that he’s been getting thousands of gifts ever since he was born but parents Kate Middleton and Prince William say they don’t want him showered with gifts for this occasion and would prefer a quieter time all round.

This is understandable considering out of over 4000 gifts for the child he’s received three meerkats, two bulls and a goat amongst other animals! The family have opted for a quiet, low-key tea party at Kensington Palace this week to mark the occasion, also attending will be his Auntie Pippa and Uncle James.

When Was He Born?

The Prince was born on the 22nd July 2013 his full name and title being George Alexander Louis, Prince George of Cambridge. He was born at 4.24pm and weighed 8lb 6oz and reportedly there were no complications with the delivery.

If he does reign on the throne he will be known as King George VII, it’s not known the significance of Alexander but his other middle name Louis is said to be in honour of Louis Mountbatten, Uncle to Prince Phillip who was killed by the IRA in the 70’s.

Where Has He Been?

Back in the 80’s Princess Diana broke royal protocol and took her nine month old son (Prince William) on a royal tour with her. Many were surprised but the places she visited relished seeing the little prince and it seems William has followed in his mother’s footsteps.

This year the little prince has travelled to the other side of the world with his parents and made residents of Australia and New Zealand delighted. It’s said that people were more interested in meeting George than in meeting his parents and of course, even more gifts ensued.

What About His Parents?

Amazingly Prince William was born on 21st June 1982 which was on the summer solstice and a solar eclipse. This is an amazing time to be born and astrologers say that it shows very strongly in his charts that he’s to be a ruler and is of true royal blood. They also say that just like his mother’s life his will have within it some dramatic changes.

Also like his mother his birth chart shows someone who is determined but also kind and compassionate. They may have the desire to rule but not to overpower and control, that he is someone who is very loving but who can also be decisive when needed.

Kate Middleton was born on the 9th January 1982 and ALSO on a day of an eclipse, this time a lunar one. The chances of this are rare and many believe is shows the fated nature of her and Prince William to be with one another.

She was born on a full moon and as such her chart shows that she has 2 rather distinct sides to her. There’s the naturally maternal side who knows how to care for those who are in need. But there’s also the very determined and straightforward side to her that will get her what she wants, also whilst knowing her own limits.

And What of the Future?

Myself, along with many other psychics and non psychics alike believe that the marriage between Kate and Prince William is one based on love. This was not forced nor forged on the basis of parental or grandparental desire or will. This is a genuine match and there is a genuine loving connection between them that will last a long time.

Many people believe that Kate will have a girl next and whilst I can’t read strongly on this, they will have another child and regardless of gender they will do ever so well in bringing up their children together and they have harmonious lives ahead of them with very loving parents.

Take a Chance On Me?

“If you change your mind, I’m the first in line. Honey I’m still free, take a chance on me!”

Ah those infamous ABBA lyrics, catchy tune and all about convincing a potential lover to consider the singers affections. But is it wise to take chances in life? Just recently the Fool and Hanged Man cards seem to have cropped up a lot for me in reading for clients. I also find them cards that are very useful for anyone in most situations.

The Fool and Hanged Man

The Fool card is the only card not to be specifically numbered in the deck, it’s known as the Zero the number of unlimited potential and this relates to the meaning of the card often as well. On most picture tarot cards the Fool is seen to be walking off a cliff with his bags packed and the white rose of innocence in his hand. This card shows a need to set off on a new pathway for many.

The Hanged Man also shows a man, this time suspended, made to look at life from a different perspective. To move forwards this man must let go, make sacrifices and remove restrictions. For many of us that means taking chances, just as the Fool doesn’t know what’s off that cliff, he’s going to head off anyway with a clear mind and an open heart.

Why Take Chances or Risks?

Risks and chances don’t have to be large or dangerous, I would never suggest someone put themselves in bad situations or risk their money or friendships. However some people are too scared to take chances, they may have been let down in the past or made the same mistake too many times. This leads to them giving up and living a restrictive life. But in doing so, they often miss out on wonderful new opportunities the universe has waiting for them.

Trust is another issue that goes hand in hand with taking chances, as in the song above, the person being sung to may have just had their heart broken. It may have been the fifth person in a row to have done this to them. So then how could they take the same chance when it could happen again? The following may be of great use to those who have trouble trusting:

How to Take Risks and Trust Others

  • Remember that there are benefits from entrusting others, if you don’t let people get close to you then you may miss out on special bonds and friendships.
  • Vary your levels of trust – for example you may have a close friend who you’d tell about your love life but you’d keep that quiet the girl you sit next to at work, who you’d rather chat about the boss with. Doing this can be a lot less risky.
  • Trust yourself that you can and will cope if someone does let you down. Take it in your stride and remember that not everyone can be as compassionate as yourself and that you may in the long run have taught them something.
  • Take your time – remember that you need not pour your heart out to someone right away even if you think you’re getting on like a house on fire! Give bits of information or feelings to someone slowly and see how they react and re-evaluate accordingly.
  • Finally, make sure that you protect yourself. If you don’t feel ready to trust someone then hold back and give it time. Very often when we split with someone we think we can never trust again but time is a wonderful healer. In those moments it’s best for you to be with people can do trust and then reach out to new people when you feel ready.

If you’re unsure as to whether or not now is a good time for you to take some chances and trust new people then you can connect with one of our readers who can guide you to the right answer for you.